Winnipeg police have released tips for caregivers, parents, children and motorists on how to stay safe on Halloween.

Winnipeg police tips:

• Try to trick-or-treat when it is still light outside.

• Wear a costume that makes it easy for you to walk, see and be seen.

• Carry a flashlight so you can see and be seen easily.

• Use reflective tape or make certain that your costume is light in colour, increasing your visibility.

• Why not use make-up instead of a mask?

• Have a parent, older brother or sister go trick-or-treating with you.

• If someone older cannot go with you, trick-or-treat as a group.

• Plan your trick-or-treat route ahead of time. Pick well-lit streets.

• Cross only at corners; never cross between parked cars or in the middle of the block.

• If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic.

• Let your parents examine your treats before eating them.

• Never enter the home of a stranger.

• Discuss with your children the route they will be travelling and what time they are required to return home.

• Homeowners should make every effort to make sure their residence is well-lit, their yard is clear and safe and that their pets are secured so no harm comes to them or the children.

Attention drivers - children will be very excited and their actions could be sudden and unpredictable. Exercise caution and slow down.